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Online: Group Breathwork with Chris Phipps

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A friend just told me that she thinks Sundays are the most emotionally taxing right now - maybe you feel like you're not doing enough on the weekends and also not looking forward to the work week starting. With that in mind, let's create a Sunday afternoon breathwork group that knows no geography! We'll come together as a community and move through anything that's blocking us and get some good energy flowing.

This breathwork practice can provide immense help as it guides us to our true selves and pushes through over-analysis and self-criticism. Once we're in the middle of the session and the body's leading the charge vs the mind, clarity comes that can show us the real way forward toward freedom.

(Note: A day or two prior to the event, you'll receive a link for accessing the virtual group.)

What's breathwork?

It's a three-part breath with two inhales and one exhale, repeated rhythmically. You perform it lying down, and it's a much more active form of meditation.

What's it look like to do breathwork at a virtual event like this?

  • Be sure to create a calming space for yourself: wear comfortable clothing, prepare a supportive surface to lie down on, and have a blanket and pillow ready.

  • Even though you may be solo for this session, you're still energetically part of the virtual group, and because of that, the open, loving community helps provide support and encourage fearlessness on your part.

  • We'll start the session by grounding and chatting for a bit.

  • Then you'll lie down and place your laptop/phone so that you're visible from the waist up.

  • I'll lead you through the active part of the breathwork where you'll do that three-part breath for an extended period of time. I'll help guide you and try to hold things steady for anything that may come up.

  • After that, you'll get to enjoy a still, quiet, restful meditation.

What's the result?

Like everything, it's best to show up and just be in the process and leave the results to the universe. That said, as you get further into the breathwork session, your mind gives way to your body. You often feel physical sensations that are of a higher vibration. That moves energy internally so that you can let go of the mental chatter way more easily than just walking around thinking.

And it's that bit of open space that brings a feeling of lightness, a feeling of connection, and often clarity about things you're seeking.