I want to be useful. I want to help people. I want more of us to deprogram old ways of thinking that may have been useful at one time but no longer serve us: internal chatter of negativity, self-doubt, judgment, fear.
The past fifteen years has led me down many spiritual paths as I continue to do my own deprogramming. The start to this journey occurred when I got sober, and I was desperate to find some solution to take away the crippling overthinking and self-flagellation. And in the journey down these paths, I discovered breathwork and an interest in astrology. Both of these have helped me accept who I am and find more sustainable joy. I’d love to help you do the same.
I offer breathwork both for groups and individuals. I’ve attained two breathwork certifications, being sure to concentrate on both the emotional/spiritual aspects of holding space and, equally important, the science of breath and its effect on our nervous systems.
I received my astrology certification by completing a two-year apprenticeship with Adam Sommer. My astrological focus is on the birth chart as personality indicator and the ever-changing skies as chapters in your life’s novel. There’s a more therapeutic bent to my work.
Astrology readings
My 1-on-1 readings, which are done virtually, look at the skies the moment you were born. For some inexplicable reason, it holds true time and again that the human traits represented by each planet, the way those traits are exhibited in each sign, and the part of life that allows the play to unfold—how these look in your particular chart says a lot about your soul’s purpose for this lifetime. You could have been born on any day, in any location, at any time, but your particular star story helps lay out who you are at your core, how you process memories and emotions, and how you present yourself to the world. A reading brings a lot of self-acceptance, I find, and honestly, they are a lot of fun!
breathwork sessions
I offer both individual and small-group breathwork sessions as an in-person or online offering (geography is no barrier to healing). This breathing technique, outlined below, can stand alone as a way to explore emotional blocks and uncover new ways of living, or it can be a perfect complement to your existing therapeutic and spiritual pursuits.
What's breathwork?
It's a two-part breath with two inhales and one exhale, repeated rhythmically. You perform it lying down, and it's a much more active form of meditation.
What does a breathwork session look like?
We’ll start by grounding and getting current with what you are looking to work through and manifest in the session.
Then you'll lie down, and I'll lead you through the active part of the breathwork where you'll do that two-part breath for an extended period of time. I'll help guide you and hold things steady for anything that may come up.
After that, you'll get to enjoy a still, quiet, restful meditation.
We’ll end the session by talking through and exploring the experience, as well as discussing ways to engage in self-care afterwards.
What's the result?
Like everything, it's best to show up and be in the process and leave the results to the universe. That said, as you get further into the breathwork session, your mind gives way to your body. You often feel physical sensations that are of a higher vibration. That moves energy internally so that you can let go of mental chatter way more easily than in your everyday life.
And it's that bit of open space that brings a feeling of lightness, a feeling of connection, and often clarity about things you're seeking.